Science is about Enjoyment and not knowledge

For me, science is not about getting to know things. It is about getting the excitement to know things. If you have the hunger of knowledge, science is never going to satisfy the hunger, it will make you more hungry (recall that if you find out one fact something, you end up realizing that there 100’s you don’t know). Therefore, I have realized that science should be about enjoyment. Science is the joy of exploration and not the exploratino of joy.

I have always struggled with the thought that there is only little I know about mathematics. I forgot to enjoy and relish and wonder about the things that I know and focus more on the things that I don’t know. This approach has been giving me sleepless nights for the last 5 months.

Scinece is not about gaining knowledge as much as it is about gaining curiosity. Science \neq knowledge but, = enjoyment.

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